Posted 09 May, 2015 05:47 PM by Ron
The 2015-2016 Quiz year will cover Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon (don't worry--it's not as long as it sounds). We will continue to charge $3 per quizzer for district quizzes. This is to help offset the costs of ribbons, trophies and other event costs.
Changes are coming to our website!! I re-created the forums and encourage coaches/students to check them out. We're hoping this will generate some community discussion as we enter into the new quiz year!
I have created a shutterfly share account for our pictures, so the pictures link is working again. If you take pictures of your local team, and would like to share those, let me know and I can add you as a contributor to that page. I just grabbed a few pictures from the year to get started (and added ONE picture from Q into the ACTS folder--going forward hopefully we will do better at keeping this current).
Helpful links and open tournaments have also been updated.
The schedule for next year has been added. We have not yet scheduled churches. We do prioritize based on overall support of the program. We like for the host church to provide lunch, and we like for everyone to participate in that lunch. It keeps our day running smoothly and it promotes and supports other local teams. We realize not everyone loves pizza and hot dogs the way we do, but we still ask that you do your best to support the local church providing lunch. The church also must be large enough to host. If your church is NOT large enough, you are able to partner with other area churches (example: Danville West side isn't big enough, so Marcia coordinates the use of Southside, and still provides the lunch). One other thing: we do consider geographic locations and all the quizzes can't be in Waukegan or Danville. If you have questions or would like to host, please contact us and we can discuss the details to see if you're eligible.
We are hoping to get several new churches involved this year! We hope you'll help us get the word out, talking to your friends, pastors and neighboring churches! We'd love to come visit and help set something up!
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We are excited for the coming year here in Waukegan! Let's all partner with another church to help grow this program. It is well worth a little extra effort to get more students hiding God's Word in their hearts.