A fun community activity

Posted 22 Feb, 2015 08:14 PM by Ron

Hey everyone!

The indianapolis tournament was cancelled and I know at least a few teams planned to go.  I've been talking with a few coaches about just doing a fun practice-like quiz on the 14th to help us prepare for finals.  We would start a bit later-like 9:30 maybe and then go out for lunch around 12:30 followed maybe by games or a group activity.  Anyone could come hang out, review for finals and enjoy our community.  There would be no cost to quiz, but probably $10 to eat and $10 for an activity depending on what we find (if a host church let us come back and people wanted to help organize games then no activity cost) Let me know if you're interested so we can plan!

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February Quiz

Posted 02 Feb, 2015 08:42 PM by Ron

We have a quiz this saturday at Kankakee 1st!  I am in desperate need of officials as both Ryan and Lori will be gone, and Scott and I have family in from out of town to celebrate christmas and do extended family pictures so we won't be available the whole day.  This was the only weekend his brothers family could come from Maryland so we had to make it work.  We will be there to kick things off and hopefully to wrap things up.  Please register your teams  as soon as you can (hopefully beforenoon thursday) and if you are NOT coming--email me that as well so we arent waiting or trying to track you down to make the schedule Thursday afternoon.  If you can officiate or bring equipment-please let me know that as well!

As a reminder--Sterling is also a great off district tournament coming up in a few weeks-(Feb 21) they have both experienced and novice divisions. 

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November Quiz at Joliet 1st!

Posted 29 Oct, 2014 12:24 PM by Ron

Hey everyone!!  The November quiz is still a few weeks away, but I wanted to open registration early, as well as get the word out that we really need officials for this quiz to keep the day running smoothly.  Joliet typically plans lunch, and we ask that everyone do their best to support their quiz program by eating the lunch they prepare and provide.  We all know quizzing can be costly, but when you go out to eat, or bring your own food, it hurts other programs too.  Plus, churches purchase food based on the number of people expected to attend, and we don't want to leave them with a crazy amount of leftovers.  If you absolutely hate hot dogs, pizza, whatever--then consider giving a donation to the local program to help them out.  

I want to take a few minutes to talk about expectations and some changes for St Louis for this year.  If this doesn't pertain to you, feel free to go register your team/equipment/officials for the November quiz and ignore the rest of this message.  

The November quiz determines our top 10 quizzers who will represent us at St. Louis.  The cost and details have not all been worked out yet, but a few details have, so I wanted to pass those on to you.  6th graders who make the Top 10 will have the option to go and be alternates (they may or may not quiz-alternates are usually used in cases where someone gets sick, etc).  We like to take 12 students, 10 plus 2 alternates so that more students are exposed to that level of quizzing, but understand that it is quite a bit of money to attend and with no guarantee of quizzing.  Scott and I will not be attending St Louis this year, as it is 3 weeks before we are due to have that second little baby.  We have selected coaches, and arranged transportation through Joliet 1st utilizing their bus that holds 25.  Jeremy Driscoll will be leading the trip, as he has travelled with us several times in the past and is familiar with how things are run.  

We are letting you know now that we expect all students to ride the bus to build community and team unity.  As always, we will take other coaches/parents/officials as we have room at the hotel.  Parents may elect to drive separately if they choose, but their students will still be required to travel with the team.  If you plan to officiate and we do NOT have room for you, you may be able to talk with Bill about possible housing arrangements through him--just keep in mind we CANNOT accomodate transporting officials to various hotels unless they are in the immediate area of our hotel.  Details about that will be coming out to the individuals that qualify for the trip.  

In the past, we also have had issues with students not committing to the trip or backing out at the last minute.  We understand that things come up at school and home that sometimes cannot be helped.  However, since Scott and I are not actually making the trip, we are asking that all students verify commitments at school and home and make the commitment by November 28th.  This allows us time to contact alternates, and get everything in place for the trip.  It also hurts the team, and determines how the teams are made up.  As a result of this, anyone who does not commit by the 28th will not be allowed to go.  Anyone who commits and backs out after the 28th (without it being an emergency--family member hospitalized, etc) risks not being able to qualify for the District team at the end of the year, because we need to know we have students we can depend on at this higher level of quizzing.  Our intent is not to punish anyone, but when students back out last minute, it hurts the remainder of the team--because Bible quizzing is about the team.  Individual scores and accomplishments are great, but that's not what we're all about.  

Thanks for your understanding!  We look forward to a great trip!


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October Quiz-Danville Southside

Posted 07 Oct, 2014 12:45 PM by Ron

 I know several of you emailed me over the weekend letting me know they're registrations--as I thought registration was open, but apparently forgot to check a box (even though my dates were correct...) Super sorry about that.  You can now go and register your teams, equipment and officials online. Registration closes Thursday afternoon.  If you do NOT register on time, we're going to start charging you extra :)  Of course we are in need of all these things, so please let me know if you're available to officiate, etc as soon as possible so we can determine the number of rooms.  It looks like we may have a few more teams this time, and want to plan accordingly.  
We will be starting a little later with 8:45 registration to give people a few extra minutes to get to Danville Southside.  It is in Tilton, IL, which is just south of Danville.  
Marcia will again be serving lunch at church. They are planning to doing hot dogs, chips, drink & dessert. also do peanut butter and jelly again if you think she needs to have that available. Also, they will again be selling some candy bars and a few snacks.  The church has asked that all food and drink stay in the fellowship hall and not be carried out into other parts of the building.  

 Aaron is trying to make money for NYC and he makes some awesome pumpkin bread. If anyone would like to buy some pumpkin bread or a pumpkin pie, we can have it for them at the quiz.  Please try to let her know ASAP so he can get them made :)  
    Small loaf of pumpkin Bread is: $4.00
    Large loaf of pumpkin bread is $8.00
    Pumpkin Pie is: $10.00
Rubyanne from Sheldon is also doing some NYC fundraising.  If I get more details, I'll update that here!  

Also, if anyone is wanting to go down the night before (Fri. night), Danville First Church has graciously made their church available. There will be no showers available and they will have to sleep on the floor in the classrooms They will need to bring their sleeping bags. If anyone wants to come and stay at First Church contact Marcia at: 217-474-8483. (same for the pumpkin goodies)!
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