Less than a week!

Posted 07 Sep, 2009 01:17 AM by Ron

I'm excited to see all of you very soon!  The quiz season officially starts this weekend at Lighthouse community in Lansing.  I'm looking forward to some great quizzing, and some great 4-square.  Lighthouse will be providing lunch for $ 4.  They will have hotdogs, tacos, chips, good stuff.  They will also be selling concession throughout the day--nachos, candy and whatnot.  They may even have some breakfast stuff available!  It's gonna be a great season, and I am encouraged as we start the Journey through Corinthians together!

Don't forget to get registered early, and to have team members sign up as users to get into those forums.  That way we can stay connected more than just once a month. 

Grace and Peace.

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Chapter 3. Just a little note.

Posted 31 Aug, 2009 11:33 AM by Ron

I shared this on facebook, and then decided to share here as well (the slightly shorter version).  I hope that this is something that encourages each of you today.  Happy Monday!

I like to think I can do things on my own. I like to think that I don't need anybody, that I can handle it, that I am greater than I am. I try to live honestly. Of course I struggle, of course I get frustrated, and I yell at scott, or I get lazy and ignore my chores. I get irritated that the quizzers won't learn the 10 memory verses. AND...I'm a social worker at heart. I want to save and fix everyone. But I can't. Because only Jesus saves. Paul says in 1 Corinthians: So Neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who makes things grow. (3:7).

BUT ONLY GOD. We can't change people's hearts. That's not our job. God didn't call us to that. God called us to plant. So, we get dirty. We dig. Or we water. we rinse. we nurture. But NEVER can we make it grow. NEVER can I, by my own strength or power change anyone. So we plant, or we water. and we wait. and God makes it grow.

Then I did a little research because I was frustrated.  If I'm gonna get dirty, if I'm gonna work hard--i want to see what i'm working toward.  Here's what I found:  The saguaro cactus only grows ONE INCH in the first ten years of life? It doesn't flower until after its 60! But, its also the tallest cactus. It can grow taller than most trees. Over 50 feet. Planting is hard work. really hard work, and it takes time. we don't always see God working. We don't see the growth. But God's plan is bigger than ours, and what we can't see developing, may turn out to the be the strongest or greatest person of faith in our lifetime.

Today, my faith is in our Creator. The one who makes things grow. The one who places us in community to support each other, and who gives us the responsibility of planting. So that He can make things grow.

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Posted 24 Aug, 2009 07:39 PM by Ron

My pictures are up in the gallery.  Jeremy's are coming soon!  Don't forget to register for the site so you can check out all the cool stuff going on in the forum.

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New Website!

Posted 23 Aug, 2009 04:20 PM by Jeremy

If you're reading this you've probably noticed the launch of the new CCDQuiz Website. We'll be adding in new features as the quizzing year gets under way, but we wanted to refresh the design a bit, add in some new features and make things easier for everyone. Some of the new features include easier registration for coaches, the ability to comment on blog posts, and a bunch of stuff under the hood that makes life easier for Scott and Sara. If you have any issues or suggestions for the new website feel free to post them in the website forum.

Important! If you previously registered on the old website you will need to reregister as we have wiped all users from the system. This was done to clean up a lot of bogus users that were hanging around.

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