Posted 14 Jul, 2010 12:04 AM by Ron

Ok.  The details you've all been waiting for!  This is going to be an event you DO NOT want to miss!!

Quizmania will be an overnight this year, starting at 7 pm on Friday August 20th, and ending at 3 pm August 21st.  The overnight will be held at Kankakee 1st church.  All participants will need to bring sleeping bags and pillows as we will be using the floor in the youth area and the gym for sleeping arrangements. 

We will be having 2 or 3 divisions, for quizzers studying and not studying.  We may divide up the quizzers who have studied into experienced and novice.  Already studying quizzers will be quizzing over chapter 1. Quizzers will sign up at registration for the division in which they want to participate. 

We will also be providing training for adult volunteers on how to be an official, coaching tips, and use of the website with updated features.

Quizzers will have the opportunity to learn more about study methods, challenging, and getting involved in NYI events. 

Quiz portions will be provided for all quizzers. Breakfast and lunch will be provided saturday, and a late night snack will be provided Friday. 

COST: $15 per quizzer, $10 per adult if registerered by August 16th.  After August 16th, There is a $5 late fee per participant. As an added bonus, the first 30 quizzers to register will receive free registration at the September Quiz.  Registration forms will be available online Thursday July 15th.

You can download a flyer here.

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looking for a few good people

Posted 06 Jul, 2010 11:00 PM by Ron

As we continue to focus on creating serious followers of Jesus:  I am looking for coaches, quizzers, officials, parents and anyone else who may be interested in writing short devotionals for our webpage.  We would like to post a new one once a week, and it can be from what you're learning in John to anything else you come across while on your journey with Jesus.  If you can be one of those people, email me, we'd love to get you involved.

We're looking for a few other people too...aside from devotion writers, we are also in need of forum moderators (2), and recreation coordinators -to plan hang out events like 4-square following the september, november, january and march quizzes,  and people willing to share testimonies and devotions during quiz meets.

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Posted 04 Jul, 2010 05:51 PM by Ron

We're back from Q2010 with a ton of memories and new goals and dreams for the new quiz year.  Great job to everyone who attended.  My prayer is that you had fun, made new friends, and learned a few things about quizzing.  I'll see all of you in just a few short weeks at quizmania! more details coming VERY VERY SOON!

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2 weeks!

Posted 13 Jun, 2010 09:47 PM by Ron

2 weeks from today we will be at Q2010!!!!  I hope all of you who are going have been studying and are excited to spend a week hanging out, quizzing and serving others!  For those of you who were unable to attend, please pray with us and for us that we have safe travel and a good trip. 


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