Stats and Pictures from Danville

Posted 22 Oct, 2009 02:10 PM by Jeremy

Hey Guys! Nice job at Danville Southside! For all who have been waiting for the stats from the last district quiz they're now available on the Stats page. You'll need to login to see them so if you haven't registered yet you should go do that!

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Way to go!!

Posted 10 Oct, 2009 10:43 PM by Ron

Another great day celebrating our freedom in Christ!  Terrific job everyone!!  Stats and pictures and other fun things to come soon.

Also, I know some of you didn't get an opportunity to register for Quizfest.  The next Central Region Tournament is in Kalamazoo Michigan.  It's only $30 per team, and a really good time.  There is a link for more info on the links page!

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October Quiz

Posted 01 Oct, 2009 08:58 PM by Ron

It's time! It's time! October registration is open!  Get excited!  Review your stuff! Learn new stuff! 

Lunch will be provided at the church, for around $ 4.  plan to eat at the church and support them.  Anything they raise at lunch helps support them as they attend quizzes throughout the year, as they don't have any budget for quizzing!

Don't forget to start planning now for Q2010!  We're taking registrations!

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Posted 12 Sep, 2009 10:52 PM by Ron

Hey everybody!

Thanks so much for such an awesome day today.  The first quiz was a success, and I really, honestly, truly am glad to know each of you, and am exciting to see so many of you jumping in to God's word.  Keep up the hard work, have fun, and Glorify God.  Remember, continue to honor each other, and respect the game.  It is after all, the Word of God we are incorporating into our lives. 

Pictures are up in the gallery. Stats are up too!!

Grace and Peace.

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