Posted 13 Sep, 2010 03:39 PM by Ron

I was really excited to see such an increased level of competition around the district. I was also superencouraged that over a third of you tried to jump on a memory verse. Also, a big thanks to Angie for applying God's word to our everyday lives. Don't forget, we're looking for other quizzers to do just that. If you're interested, please message or email Sara with the month you would like to do the devotion.

We're giving away a registration to the Michigan Invitational at theOctober Quiz. We want you to know that quizzing isn't always about who can memorize the most or jump the fastest. A lot of times, its about long van rides,overnight trips, practicing verses, or having something you studied pop into your head just when you need it.

Head to the forum--Under the JUST FOR FUN category--look for the WHO WANTS TO WIN topic and share a story about how quizzing has impacted your life in a positive way. You can talk about what you've studied, learned, or a significant person who has made a difference in your life through Bible quizzing. ANYONE (coach or quizzer) who shares a story here will be entered into the drawing to win a registration to Michigan. Feel free to share more than one story, or talk about each other's stories. Gods word is living and active and we want to hear how that is true in your life.

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Less than a week to go...

Posted 05 Sep, 2010 11:23 PM by Ron

So, last year after the first quiz--we played 4-square and hung out in the parking lot--everyone want to plan to do that again? 


Rookie quizzers still have time to FACE OFF against Christina Fischer by quoting John 1:1-14.  Fabulous prizes for those who can do it!

Friendly reminder: registration closes at noon thursday.  after that you have to call me to register your team.

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10 days!

Posted 01 Sep, 2010 10:38 PM by Ron

there are only 10 days until our first quiz! Are you getting excited? I am!  Registration is open, and I need officials and equipment!  Please let us know if you are able to help!


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Great times!

Posted 22 Aug, 2010 02:32 PM by Ron

Well, I hope that all of you who were able to attend enjoyed all the fun at Quizmania.  I know that it'll take me a LONG time to forget Scott and Jeremy's battle in MINUTE TO WIN IT!!  And the group that quizzed over chapter 2--the finals coming down to question 20!  Awesome! I've added the pictures and we'll try to have some stats available shortly.   I hope that it got everybody into quiz mode, and you're excited to start this year.  For those of you who couldn't be there, I hope to see you in September, as we dive in to the gospel of John, learn who Jesus is, and have several more terrific times together this season. 

September 11 will be our first official quiz over John 1-3.  We will be meeting at Joliet 1st at 8:30 for registration, with quizzing starting promptly at 9 am.  The cost is $3 per quizzer and you need to register online by NOON September 9th.  If you are new to online registration, please email me and i'll do my best to get you all set up. 

See you soon, and remember, Jesus came to be in your situation. 

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